Global Perspective Team Project Showcase:
On 8th April 2022, The Learning Tree (TLT) students celebrated The First Global Perspective Day by showcasing their journey of teamwork involved in highlighting global challenges pertaining to Culture, Cuisines, Migration, Sports and Harassment to the wider TLT Community.
Students from Grade VII, VIII, IX and IGCSE worked collaboratively to research, analyze and evaluate information from relevant perspectives on a range of issues facing our world today. The varied perspectives were indicated in the form of different outcomes such as Presentations, Videos and Instagram Pages. Learners, further, reflected on their findings to develop a personal perspective on the issues and the role they could play to resolve them as responsible global citizens. Exhibits portraying the collaborative process and outcomes were set up to create awareness among the guests and to motivate them to adopt courses of action which will mitigate and resolve these challenges.
TLT is proud of its students for participating so enthusiastically and showcasing a collaborative and emphatic approach to critical concerns. Students’ efforts were much appreciated by the guests who thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity to interact and voice their viewpoints, thereby adding more insight and enriching the overall experience.