The Learning Tree’s parents form a powerful team with far-reaching effects on its students and the entire school community. They play an essential and positive role at TLT. By sharing their knowledge and talents, they help create a more enriching environment, enhancing the quality of the School’s programs.

There are many ways to get involved at The Learning Tree. Parents serve on committees, raise funds, host events like Theater Night and Sports Daysponsor internships, help with service projects and the list goes on and on.

You’ll get a feel for the energy and excitement that makes The Learning Tree special when you walk across campus and participate in the hubbub of the School. Volunteering at The Learning Tree is a great way to get to know the faculty and staff and your child’s classmates and see the School in action. Significantly, you’ll also get to know the parents of your child’s classmates. These connections and friendships will serve you well the entire time your children attend TLT.


The Learning Tree Parents Association (PA) supports and enhances the school by coordinating a variety of informational, educational and social events for the school community. There are three branches of the PA: Pre, Junior and Senior – one for each division of the school.


Participation in PA activities gives you an opportunity to develop a closer relationship with the school community, to be more aware of volunteer opportunities, to become more knowledgeable about school programs, and become better acquainted with the faculty and administration.


You! Every TLT parent is a member of the PA and is welcome and encouraged to attend and participate in all PA meetings and events.


Each divisional PA group meets once per month, the dates are printed on the all school calendar, on the TLT online calendar.

For more information about division-specific meetings and events, use the buttons on the right to navigate to the appropriate Parents Association webpage. If you need additional help, have any questions or would like something not found here, contact one of the Parent Association representatives.